Live each day like it really Matters

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tip me Tuesday

Tips me Tuesday

I was out the other day with some family and the comment was made that I know a lot of little tidbits that could come in handy. 
And I do find myself remembering every little thing I read or hear that may be useful or useless depending on how you look at it. 
Well I am going to tell a story to go along with my tip today...
On a Sunday afternoon I took the kids and Copper (one of our Hound Dogs)

out for a nice walk. As always, Copper had his nose to the ground trying to sniff out his next adventure. This time he bit off a little more than he could swallow. (cause what dog chews his food??) He found a scent that was new to him and chased it down into the tall grass. The kids and I saw a little bit of a scuffle in the grass and went to investigate. As She approached, Madison turns to me and asks what the smell is?? That should have been my first clue! Anyway, Copper bolts out of the grass straight to me and he is drooling like crazy. As he got closer I knew he had  found a skunk (or stunk as Caitlyn calls them). He runs right at my legs and tries to rub off the burn. I wasn't having any of that. Sure enough that skunk got him square in the face and into his mouth. 
Well, walk over!!!
We head home and Copper is crawling and rubbing in the grass trying to get it to stop hurting. 
When we get him home Christian comes out and we pull out the hose and a bunch of tomatoes and start washing him down.
Copper was so relieved he even guzzled the water straight from the hose (and he's scared of garden hoses too, but that's another story.)
Anyway we got him cleaned up the best we could but my problem came later when I couldn't get the smell off my hands. 
I tried the tomatoes... didn't work!
So I tried google and it said to try baking soda and Vinegar.... didn't work (this makes oxygen and is suppose to remove odor)
Finally I got to the end of the 3rd or 4th page in my google search and come across a blog that said to try mint toothpaste. 
And guess what? 
It worked like a charm. 
Not only was I smell free but I was minty fresh!

So my tip today is:
If you ever find yourself with a bit of skunk spray on you! 

Wash with toothpaste!

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